Is Kratom Legal in Hawaii? Can you Buy or Use Kratom in Hawaii?

is kratom legal in hawaii

Is kratom legal in Hawaii? This is the question everyone looking for the answer. In this blog, we will tell you everything about kratom legality in Hawaii.

Kratom is not well received in all areas of the world. Because of this, many new users question rather or not this product is offered in their location. Today, we are going to look at, “Is kratom legal in Hawaii?” For the moment you can buy kratom in Hawaii, but there are pending laws that could change this in the future.

Kratom Legality in the United States

Kratom is legal on a federal level. There was a time when the DEA tried to ban kratom across the nation but withdrawal their recommendation when they saw the support that kratom was receiving. So, each state is left to make up its own mind when it comes to kratom.

Some states have banned kratom including Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. The American Kratom Association is working hard to get all states to adopt the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. This act will help address issues within the kratom industry including age restrictions and fines.

Kratom is not well understood and this is because there is not a lot of scientific studies on this herb. More knowledge is needed to understand kratom and what it has to offer. Also, the industry just lacks regulations. With more regulations in place, kratom would be a safer industry. This is what the AKA is working on. They have put GMP regulations in place for vendors to comply with. These regulations are improving the quality of kratom that is coming to market.

Is Kratom Legal in Hawaii?

As we mentioned above, kratom is legal in Hawaii. Some pending laws could change this. In 2018, officials started trying to outline some guidelines to help citizens in Hawaii to use kratom in a more responsible way. This is how bill S.B.2826 came about. This bill place kratom on a list of drugs that need to be addressed for highway safety.

The public had a chance to voice their opinion. The public defender prepared a letter against the bill. In 2019, S.B.641 came about. This bill listed kratom as an intoxicating substance for highway safety. If you are pulled over and have kratom in your system you could face criminal charges.

However, kratom is still legal in this state. At this point, it seems that officials are more concerned about the risk that could be associated when driving with kratom in your system. There is pending legislation and if passed it could schedule kratom as a Schedule V.

Officials in Hawaii began viewing kratom as a threat because of the concerns that the DEA and FDA have voiced about this herb. However, a lot of the information that they are basing their facts on is not correct. This is the problem with the kratom industry. There is not enough scientific evidence to show the benefits of kratom.

If this law passes it would become illegal to have kratom in Hawaii. So, you need to pay close attention to the laws and offer your support when you can. The AKA is working with state officials and it is their hope that this legislation will die in the committee.

Simple Botanical

It is our goal here at Simple Botanical to offer you the highest quality kratom products and the most up-to-date industry news. You will find kratom powder, capsules, and variety packs here on our site. If you have questions about our products do not hesitate to contact us. Our intention for this blog was to help you understand the laws surrounding kratom in Hawaii.

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